‘Once upon a time’ …

We do love a panto build here at Mi……………… Oh no we don’t! and over the years have been involved in builds for Beauty & The Beast, Jack & The Beanstalk and Peter Pan to name a few.

This latest build for Snow White was something very special indeed for lots of reasons, not only was it the biggest project to date for us here at Mi but also one of the most beautiful sets I have seen for a very long time. A credit to the designer, David Shields, and Wolverhampton Grand Theatre for having the conviction to put on such a large scale show.

Work on this project took around 7 months in total to bring the designers vision to life. The very large 3D elements in this show are nothing short of fantastic. Traditional set construction, painting and flying scenery crossed over with some very new techniques and has gone along way to making this set the new benchmark for panto sets.

A multitude of different finishes were used from carved polystyrene, to marbled staircases and lots and lots of glitter all using different crafts and skills and our scenic artists did an incredible job with an eye for detail not normally seen.

The false Proscenium arch for a pantomime build was carved from large pieces of poly to create a beautiful flow of a scroll running across the top of the stage.

This involved a huge amount of carving, by hand, to produce a ‘Once Upon a Time’ scroll - 13 metres long - with detailed scenic artistry to set the theme and style of the production.

Mirror Mirror Mirror

At the end of a week fit up at WGT who have made us feel very welcome, our very large Snow White set has gone in beautifully and looks stunning. I’m very excited to go along with the whole team to press night on the 6th December to watch the show

This is really a very unique and complex set to which the feedback from those that have seen it has been tremendous with comments such as ‘work of art’ and ‘award winning’

Nominated for BEST SET DESIGN at the 2024 Pantomime Awards.


staircases with a twist


lord mayors parade lead float